Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is it sinful to say I'm jesus?

Let me give you a little background, I was born into a Catholic family, I'm an atheist. (Just to get this out of the way, agnostics are stupid. They really need to think about it, if they just give up and be a dumb-ass, and say 'I don't know' they really need to shut the fuck up. I was an agnostic for about two hours, but if you become an agnostic for longer than that you're stupid.)Also it was snowing. I got about two days off work because of the snow. Fuck yeah! so what better way to celebrate than with some soda. (I don't drink alcohol. I always told my self that alcohol is fucking stupid. Alcohol and meth are the two drugs I would never do. Not that they're in any way, shape, or form similar I just hate them both.) It was two in the morning, I was stoned as fuck and wearing barely anything, I went in to the snowy weather. I went over to my car then decided it wouldn't really be a good idea to drive in my condition so I decided to walk.
While walking, the snow was just making the funniest noises, like a big crunch, hehehe, and I walked with my feet always in the the snow and slushy water, just getting just soaked. When I finally reached the dollar general I was coming down, and a little depressed for no reason, I just wanted to get in and out of that fucking store. I walked in, (And in Texas you think that it's just a stereotype that everyone there is just a bunch of fucking cowboys. You're smart if you think that, but once you're there you realize that it is actually true.) I do look kind of young and while looking for the soda (Dr.Pepper, the best fucking soda in the world.) A cowboy was watching me like I was going to steal something. I really wasn't in the mood to really say anything so I went by minding my own business. There wasn't those real cool 24-packs (I fucking love those things.), but instead they had those 6-packs, like the kind beer comes in. I grabbed four of them, and didn't even drop them, until one of the bastards saw where this was going and decided to jump away. I put them on the isle thing and got another six pack, this batch was either sleeping or suicidal. I looked at the cashier lady who was missing two chips of her two front teeth; they were the exact same shape of a triangle. I couldn't stop staring at them, she bagged them for me and I walked out of that store.
Thank god! I fucking hate going in there. It's so trashy, and- I guess I just wasn't made for going outside; I hate people. I was just fucking hating myself even more, so I tried some music to cheer myself up. I put on my my MP 3 player and started listening to the "Singing in the rain" sound track, I just skipped through the songs and got straight to Gene Kelley's awesomeness, and listened to "Singing in the rain" Just really wasn't feeling it. I was freezing cold, I swear to fucking god I could feel hypothermia settling in. I walked on the sidewalk now, not being able to see since my glasses were all fogged up. Then a car sprayed cold, icy, slushy, snow all over me. This time I could swear I was going to die. I was so cold I wasn't even cold really; just really numb. Then finally I reached my house. A sudden burst of dopamine was rushed to my brain, I knew what that meant.
I busted through the door scared to death, took off all my clothes and jumped into the shower. Cold water. I thought I was just going to die there, then the hot water started to settle in. Normally I would love to feel this, but this felt fucking awful. Imagine if hot fire ants (And by hot fire ants I mean the fire ants were on fire.) puked out there hot venom in a jar, and then needles were dipped into the venom. Those needles came out of the shower nozzle, fucking awful. After about an hour I felt nice and warm.
I told my grandmother this story, and of course she didn't believe me. I told her that I was Jesus Christ and she got really pissed off. Really pissed off! Safe to say I won't be able to go back there anymore. So that left me to ask the people I trust most; complete strangers. So tell me, is it sinful to say I'm Jesus?

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