Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dreams don't mean shit!

I'm sick and tired of people saying that their dreams mean something will happen, or that it symbolizes something that has happened in the past. It's fucking bullshit! Just to prove it I thought I would type in the dream I had just the other night. Tell me what this means you fuckers.
I was in my parents' house, and I was a kid again. We were all eating dinner when a crazy man in a black ski-mask busted through the door. Next thing I knew I was tied down to a chair. Actually all of us were strapped to a chair. I didn't even remember him trying to tie us down we were just there. He then pulled out his gun, and pointed it at me. He looked at me like I knew what he meant, but I showed no fear. He pulled off his ski-mask, and wouldn't you know it, it was Gary Busey ready to blow my brains out. He said, "Shave your legs! Now!" then I realized that he didn't sound like Gary Busey at all, for some reason he sounded like Jim Carrey. I was thinking on why this Gary Busey/Jim Carry man wanted me to shave my legs, and how I was supposed to since I was tied down. I looked around, and I wasn't tied down anymore. Then I looked at my legs, which were very hairy, and Gary Carrey handed me this bottle that he said was shaving cream, but reading the bottle and putting it on my hairy legs I realized that it was Mountain dew cologne. Gary Carrey then handed me a razor, and I awkwardly shaved my legs. Then my legs jumped out of their sockets, only they weren't legs, they were bears. I couldn't run, because my legs turned into fucking bears! Looking around I realized that I was in purgatory. I then woke up.
So tell me you dream people, what the fuck does that dream I had mean!? Nothing it's just abstract craziness my brain produces while I'm asleep. My brain doesn't see into the future, and my brain doesn't use symbolization to recall a past memory, it just shows the memory itself in plain view. That's why I believe that dreams don't mean shit.

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